Whether you are a kid or an adult, "joining" anything can be scary!  Here are some of the more common myths/fears about PTAs. 

Most of us believed one or more of these before we became PTA members OURSELVES.



Myth #1.

Only moms & teachers belong in the Crescent Heights Elementary PTA.

NO NO NO!!  Thankfully, it's not only moms and school professionals who take an interest kids these days!!


Moms, teachers, and school staff DO naturally form the backbone of any PTA —  BUT the strongest groups ALSO have many dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, and community leaders who are invested in the youngest members of our society.


Bottom line: if you care about the kids in our community, you belong with us!


Myth #2:

If I join the PTA, I will have to volunteer.

ABSOLUTELY NOT!  Every person has a different capacity to give and be involved. And your capacity to volunteer will change from one year to the next. Determine what you can joyfully give, make a plan, and give that with your whole heart. However, if you want to volunteer, we won't stop you!



Myth #3:

I will have to take a board position, or lead a committee, if I join the PTA.

NOPE!  Some of our most valued PTA friends have never held an elected (or appointed) position. You do not have to be a leader to be an important part of PTA. Your beautiful smile and enthusiastic support may be just what we need right now to keep going!



Myth #4:

My PTA membership never expires. I only have to join once.

Sadly... NOPE.  PTA memberships are an annual thing — good for one school year and expire in the summer. Memberships need to be renewed each year. If you choose to enroll online, your username and password will make it a snap to login and re-enroll next year. Just a thought. :)



Myth #5:

I don’t have the time to join the PTA.

At its most basic level, "joining the PTA" is not about volunteering. It's about advocacy. Your decision to purchase a PTA membership (and stay current on what is happening with kids in our area) is significant all by itself. You can also be a champion for our school by offering financial support



Myth #6:

The Crescent Heights Elementary PTA doesn't need me specifically.

You have more power than you know to make life better for the people around you. You have gifts and abilities that are entirely yours to give. When you give yourself to the people around you, all of us are richer for it! The first step is to show up and be willing to engage.

Myth #7:

The PTA is only for stay-at-home parents with nothing else to do.

The Crescent Heights Elementary PTA is made up of men and women who have a wide range of daily commitments. Some work 60 hours a week, and some are retired. But most juggle work, bills, household chores, kids, extracurricular activities, and homework, just like you! 



Myth #8:

My child’s life will be the same, whether or not I join the PTA.

UNTRUE.  For at least 2 reasons:

  1. If everyone felt this way, all the wonderful activities and supports your child enjoys because of the PTA would suddenly vanish! 
  2. Research shows that parental involvement within the child’s school increases their academic achievements and decreases behavior issues. Not only does membership put you in direct communication with other parents and teachers, but it shows your child that you are interested and invested in their educational experience.



Myth #9:

The PTA already has all the help they need.

It's probably no surprise that the more volunteers Crescent Heights has, the better. More volunteers means less work for each person — which means everyone has more time to enjoy events with their families! Everyone likes to be asked, but please don't wait for an invitation to show us what you have to contribute. We need, and want, your help – whether we know it yet or not!




Myth #10:

I have an awesome idea, but the PTA wouldn't be interested.

Nothing could be further from the truth! New ideas, and new friends keep the Crescent Heights Elementary PTA fresh and exciting! Let's hear what you've got!







Article adapted from the Shawnee Trail PTA