
Interested in getting involved with the PTA Marathon for 2025?  Please email!  We are looking for:


-planning committee members

-parents who can commit to the same day 6 weeks in a row to supervise

-help with distributing toe-tokens weekly


The Marathon is a GREAT way to get involved in PTA if you want to dip your toe into volunteering at CHE.  There are small roles and big roles available.






The Annual CHE PTA Marathon

Ultra Mini, Mini, Half and Full Marathon
Spring 2025 - Dates TBA




Our PTA Marathon Program is intended to encourage kids to get out & move & help celebrate their accomplishment. It’s completely voluntary, but we encourage every child to participate!


We will track the following miles over the course of six weeks:


Preschoolers/Transitional Kindergarteners 3 Miles
Kindergarteners 6 Miles
1st & 2nd Graders 13 Miles
3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders 26 Miles


 We need volunteers (and a bunch!)!  Please come join us for a half an hour during lunchtime recess (and if you signed up for the same shift for a few weeks we'd love it even more!) and help scan students' laps and keep them safe down on the track. It's an easy and fun job and (often) promises some nice sunny days!  The sign up is here: Sign up to volunteer for the Marathon!


Volunteering?  Check out these resources for how to help the day you come!

Marathon Volunteer Instructions and FAQ

EZ Scan Instructions

How to Earn a Participation Ribbon


Every child that shows up and completes a lap on the track will receive a participation ribbon the DAY they do it!

 Earn Toe Tokens for Mileage Markers

Students will earn really fun tokens (plastic beads) for different milestones they reach.

 Every child who FINISHES their marathon gets a medal!

We'll also celebrate with a popsicle party. 

Any child that finishes the Marathon ALL SIX YEARS they're at CHE will be a plaque with their name on it. 


Does your child need more time than lunchtime recess to conquer the marathon?  No problem!  They can complete outside miles to help them achieve their goals. A parent needs to fill out a paper form (see the original flier sent home with students OR pick up more in the office!)  which can be returned to the classroom teacher OR can fill out the form below to record extra miles.  Here is the information that is needed:


Record the following information:

- Student’s Name

 - Grade

- Teacher

- Date of run

 - Distance--Please put in quarter mile chunks (1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, etc.)
  1 lap around the track = 1/4 mile




Record your miles here: 



Sports that include running can count for mileage: Baseball, Softball, Football, Basketball, and Soccer
Credit your student 1/2 mile for each practice or game. Walking to and from school can also count!


Non-running sports & activities such as biking, swimming, gymnastics, ballet, etc. don’t count towards mileage.



Did you know students can run miles at school during recess? Volunteers are needed to help scan students' laps as they go around the track! Sign up here: Sign up to volunteer for the Marathon!




Please contact our marathon committee at